Global Faith - There is Hope

Know Who is Truth, Know What is Truth and Act on the Truth.

Upcoming Events

Join Global Faith's Founder, Dr. Mark Christian for...

Upcoming Events

We encourage all in the Omaha area to attend in person.
If you are unable to attend this month’s meeting or if you live out of the area,
register for our FREE virtual option and join us online!
For more information or to register, click a button below.
We invite all in the Omaha and Lincoln Nebraska area to attend in person.
For more information or to register, click a button below.

Attack on Christianity Course Materials

For those attending our 9-week classes, we have each lesson on video and downloadable PDF available here.

Gaza vs. Israel - Fact vs. Fiction Event

Dr. Mark Christian delves into the history and facts surrounding Israel and Palestine during this impactful event. Click here to download the accompanying handout.

The Apostate:
My Search for Truth

This book takes you on Mark’s journey as he tries to prove to himself Islam is the true religion... It finally takes you to his greatest discovery, Jesus is love...Get your copy on Amazon!

Dr. Christian Speaks From a Place of Love

There have been misguided claims and accusations set against Dr. Mark Christian stating that he hates Muslims. These people have either been fed false information or have formed the wrong opinions leading to hate and they attempt to silence him.

Dr. Christian wants you to know that Muslims are his parents, his siblings, his family, in-laws, cousins, nieces and nephews, friends, teachers, mentors, and countrymen. He speaks from the heart of what he knows and what he has lived. In addition, he full-heartedly loves Jesus, and our Savior does not dwell in a heart that has an iota of hate.

Sam Rohrer Interview

Thurs., Feb. 11th at 6 PM CT.
Click below to register today! Space is limited.

Join Global Faith's Founder, Dr. Mark Christian for...

*Live Monthly News Briefings*

We will continue with an online only format in December.
For more information or to register, click a button below.

Our Mission & Vision

Global Faith are ambassadors of Jesus Christ, advocates for the victims of Islam, and champions of the United States Constitution. Our vision is to create a united movement of like-minded organizations in America who will educate and equip all citizens with complete understanding of the dangers of Islamic supremacism and how to protect our schools, churches, and country from this internal threat.

Guest Speakers

We are blessed to have so many advocates to support our ministry and here are just a few videos of our previous speakers and partners to our great cause.

You can watch these videos in their entirety and more on the Global Faith YouTube channel. To explore, please click here.

Save the Persecuted Christians Initiative

We encourage you to stand with us to create heightened public awareness…

Save the Persecuted Christians

Display Banners and Other Signage Featuring the ‘Nun’ Symbol

From the Blog/Vlog

Living as a Job in a Prosperity Gospel World

Living as a Job in a Prosperity Gospel World

Every human being is living out their theology, whether they are aware of it or not.

“As a man thinketh within himself, so he is.” Proverbs 23:7

We Americans have been blessed to live in one of the most prosperous countries in history! Additionally, we have, in the past, lived in one of the most Christian-friendly countries in history. What a combination! We have been blessed!

Job, in the Bible, was one of wealthiest men on earth.
He was also one of the most righteous men before God.
See the parallels?
Because of Job’s righteousness, God placed a hedge of protection…

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I woke this morning thinking of one word: Conservation. 

I am a bible believing constitutionalist.  I am also conservative; conservative in the political sense and by my God-given nature one that likes things to be as they are and not subject to change.  I do not like change much.  If I could, I would go back to the 50’s and 60’s.  But if you are old enough to have lived during those years, you also might remember President Lyndon B. Johnson and his “Operation Rolling Thunder”, which was a gradual and sustained aerial bombardment campaign conducted by the United States against North Vietnam. Rolling Thunder started in March of 1965 and ended in November 1968. 

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Advocating for Children: Following Jesus' Example

Advocating for Children: Following Jesus’ Example

My purpose or calling from God has been to love and work with children. The development of the body, mind, and soul of children has always fascinated me. Jesus loved children and taught the value and dignity of young, precious life. He truly had regard for the weak and vulnerable in the culture. In fact, Jesus had to rebuke the disciples for treating kids as second-class citizens. Mark 10:13-16 describes the encounter:

“And they were bringing children to him (Jesus) that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God.

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